What is acute prostatitis in men

Pain in men with acute prostatitis

Acute prostatitis is an inflammatory disease, usually of an infectious nature, accompanied by swelling and ulceration in the tissues of the body of the same name. It used to be thought that they mostly affected older men, but studies show that the pathology is noticeably "rejuvenated. " Now prostatitis occurs in middle-aged patients.

Not only the use of medicines is allowed during the treatment, but also the use of folk remedies in agreement with a specialist.

Causes of pathology

Acute prostatitis is diagnosed in 30-50% of men, most often at the most able-bodied age, i. e. 30 to 50 years. This inflammation causes:

  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Infertility;
  • Depression.

The causative agents of the disease are mainly nonspecific infectious agents. These are pathogenic microorganisms such as E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci, etc. Sh. But sometimes acute prostatitis is caused by other pathogens associated with sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, urethroplasmosis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis. Often the cause is a conditionally pathogenic microflora - Candida fungi (Candida).

The main causes of the development of prostatitis are reduced to the time of infection, most often transcancerously. It occurs through the excretory ducts of the prostate gland. Because they open into the back wall of the urethra, the development of prostatitis is influenced by the presence of a disease such as urethritis.

Acute cystitis (inflammation of the bladder caused by bacteria) is rare in men. But if this is the case, then in such cases the prostate suffers, which includes pathogenic microflora. Bacteria enter the body much faster if there are accompanying pathologies - stones in the urethra that create increased intraurethral pressure.

Sometimes it is possible to develop an inflammatory process due to the penetration of infection into the bloodstream, since the prostate is supplied with the help of the developed arterial and venous network. This happens when there are foci of chronic inflammation in the body but they have nothing to do with the prostate. Infections are transmitted hematogenously through sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, and even caries.

The presence of cholecystitis (gallbladder disease) also leads to the development of acute prostatitis. Sometimes lymphogenic transmission of the infection from the intestine (with proctitis and colitis) is also possible.

Non-infectious factors in the development of prostatitis - the presence of swelling in the pelvic blood vessels, irregular sex life and its disorders. Including prostatitis is possible in men who perform coitus.

Factors provoking the disease are:

  • A lifeless lifestyle;
  • Digestive disorders (mostly frequent constipation);
  • Hypothermia and impaired immunity;
  • Flaberism;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.

Basic forms

There are three forms of the disease:

  1. Catarrhal. The ducts of the prostate glands are mostly inflamed, but no changes are observed at the macro level. The processes of total epithelial dystrophy are observed in the ducts themselves, slight swelling in the stroma, the blood vessels are pleural.
  2. Follicular. It is possible to reverse the process and increase it, when prostatitis develops into a follicular form and the inflammatory process already damages the tissues of the prostate gland. The body increases in size, becomes fluffy. Focal infiltrates appear around the ducts.
  3. Parenchymal. The most serious stage of the disease. With it the inflammatory process affects the entire gland, forming an abscess. With an unfavorable course of the disease, it can open up and pus enters the intestines, bladder, and urethra.


Common signs are urinary incontinence, pain and manifestations of intoxication - weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and other unpleasant events that cause discomfort.

The remaining symptoms of acute prostatitis correspond to the stages of development of the process:

Scene Symptoms
Catarrhal The first signs are a feeling of heaviness and pain in the perineum. There are dysuric disorders, i. e. urinary incontinence, its increase, the appearance of pain or in the process of pain. Body temperature most often remains normal, sometimes rising slightly. Diagnosis at this stage involves the study of prostate secretion. It may show an increase in the number of leukocytes, the presence of mucous purulent fibers. Urine analysis shows an increase in leukocytes. Prostate massage is not prescribed at this stage due to pain. But drug treatment allows you to get rid of the pathology in 7-10 days.
Follicular The symptoms will be more pronounced. This stage is accompanied by excruciating pain that is localized to the perineum but may be given to the anus, rectum, or lumbar region. Urination is so painful that urinary retention is possible.

The act of defecation is difficult, also because of the strong pain. When the body temperature rises to 38 degrees, the general state of health deteriorates. The patient experiences:

  • Weakness;
  • headache;
  • Sore muscles and joints;
  • Feeling of constant weakness and fatigue
Parenchymal In acute parenchymal prostatitis, the temperature rises to 39 degrees. Is fever or chills. Urination can be rapid, but most often difficult, until complete cessation, as attempts to empty the bladder are accompanied by severe pain. Flatulence occurs, digestion is disturbed, constipation occurs. The pain is felt in the rectum. From pain they turn into pulsations. The person tries to find a position in which he does not feel pain (most often when lying down with his legs crossed). In the acute form of prostatitis, there is an enlargement and swelling of the prostate gland. The discharge from the urethra may be white or yellowish green

The consequences of acute prostatitis can be sepsis (general blood poisoning), cystitis or pyelonephritis. If the disease has developed with such complications, then the patient needs to be hospitalized. But in mild cases, the pathology can be treated at home.


Therapy for acute prostatitis should be comprehensive. Treatment involves eliminating the cause of the disease, i. e. the pathogenic microorganisms. In such cases antibiotics are used, their combination, since one drug rarely gives the desired effect.

With timely treatment the symptoms disappear quickly, in just a few days. But the doctor will prescribe a course of at least 4 weeks to completely cleanse the body of harmful bacteria, prevent relapses and transition the process to a chronic form.

Antibiotics are prescribed only according to the results of tests that have identified the causative agent of the disease and its resistance to certain medications. Other factors are taken into account. For example, drugs of the aminoglycoside and beta-lactam groups do not penetrate well into prostate gland tissues.

Antibiotics of the fluoroquinolones and macrolides group have higher penetration.

But it is important not only the ability to penetrate, but also the strength of the bactericidal effect. Therefore, macrolides and other remedies are sometimes prescribed. Forms of release of such drugs may be different.

Candles are rarely used. In severe cases of the disease, intravenous administration of antibiotics (and hospitalization) is indicated. In mild cases the treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, the patient takes the pills at home.

Analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain. They lower the temperature, but sometimes additional heat-reducing agents are prescribed. Short-term use of opiates is used for more severe pain.

Drinking plenty of fluids plays an important role in treating acute prostatitis, which is best - blueberry juice or rose broth to clear the urinary tract, reduce intoxication and prevent the development of cystitis and pyelonephritis. Light laxatives such as Vaseline oil are used.

Antispasmodics and alpha-blockers may be prescribed for urinary problems.

If you have muscle spasms, take muscle relaxants.

Folk remedies

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies is possible only in the form of adjunctive therapy, which enhances the effect of medication.

Pumpkin seeds are a popular folk remedy. They have been proven to contain lots of zinc which has anti-inflammatory effect. To get the right dose of this substance, it is enough to eat 30 g of purified raw seeds once a day before eating.

You can make a mixture based on pumpkin seeds (not just fried) and honey:

  1. Turn 500 g of purified raw material in a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Add a cup of not-so-liquid honey.
  3. Mix thoroughly until the consistency is obtained such that the mixture forms into walnut-sized balls.

The product is stored in the refrigerator. On this day you should eat 1-2 balls half an hour before eating. You should chew the medicine thoroughly and do not swallow it immediately.